luna park中文什么意思

发音:   用"luna park"造句
  • luna:    n. 1.【罗马神话】月神;月亮。 ...
  • park:    n. 1.公园,…场。 2.圃囿;【 ...
  • the luna:    月之亮面
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  1. Bridge , luna park vergngungspark , sydney heads hafeneingang , fort denison , zu sehen die wunderschne skyline von sydney und vieles mehr
    观看悉尼歌剧院,悉尼大桥,月神公园, sydney heads ,丹尼斯堡垒, city skyline以及更多精彩内容。
  2. However , 34 per cent chose the famous white sails as their favourite sydney attraction , over bridgeclimb , taronga zoo , the aquarium and luna park
    然而, 34 %受访者选择著名的白帆船作为他们最喜爱的雪梨景点,领先攀登雪梨大桥、塔隆加动物园、水族馆和鲁那公园。


Luna Park is a name shared by dozens of currently operating and defunct amusement parks that have opened on every continent except Antarctica since 1903.


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